
I am NOT Jane Fonda.

Oh my, oh my. Apparently the feminists have succeeded, because according to this dimwit (a well-respected conservative editor, no less) we are responsible for everything that is happening now in society (specifically: the bad stuff). God damn, when did women become so powerful? Who knew we could influence this much? I guess Steinem and Fonda are out of a job now.

Seriously though. As one of the book's reviewers says: "One of the trends I've noticed recently is that a lot of younger women profess to be 'anti-feminist,' something that never fails to send shivers down my spine." What in hell is going on here? We've decided that we can toss away the ladder because it brought us somewhere tolerable? Women should not so quickly forget that it is the feminists that brought them to the place where they can vote, leave an abusive relationship, use birth control, divorce, get a career, lead a company, and wear pants. I don't see Ms. O'Beirne sending Betty Friedan a thank-you note for fighting for her right to get published in this country.

Not to mention the fact that she's attacking only a few figures in the current feminist movement. I really wouldn't mind if this was a critique on what certain women have said in the name of feminism. Go right ahead. Personally, I think Jane Fonda needs to be slapped around a bit. But it's not that. It's an attack on the movement because of individuals related to it. I really don't think George Bush would appreciate me attacking him for whatever comes from Ann Coulter's mouth just because they're both conservatives. And I don't think O'Beirne would appreciate being the receiving end of my retort on what Dan Quayle said just because they're both idiots. The Feminist movement is very diverse, and has been since the '80s. But it's clear when Jane Fonda wants to create a feminizing school for boys, she's on the fringe. There are extremists; and there are moderates. And if you want to attack a movement, you need to attack the moderates, not the fucking extremists.

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